xinwen ua

Xov xwm

Technical zoo ntawm slag ultrafine ntsug sib tsoo zeb

Nyob rau hauv xyoo tas los no, txoj kev loj hlob ntawm slag hmoov tshuab tau ua slag ultrafine hmoov nce siv hauv cov cement thiab pob zeb.Txij li thaum lub zog noj thiab tus nqi ntawm kev sib tsoo ultrafine slag hmoov los ntawm pob zeb yog siab, thiab qhov kawg tshwm sim yog qhov nyuaj los tswj, ntsug milling ntawm slag ultrafine hmoov tau dhau los ua qhov kev xaiv zoo tshaj plaws rau kev sib tsoo ultrafine slag hmoov.Raws li cov chaw tsim khoom ntawm ntsug zeb slag micron hmoov tshuab,HCM yuav qhia qhov zoo ntawm ntsug zeb slag micron hmoov tshuab.

Technical zoo ntawm slag u1

Granulated blast furnace slag tau siv los ua cov cement admixture khoom nyob rau hauv kuv lub teb chaws rau ze li ntawm ib nrab xyoo pua, thiab tseem muaj kev xyaum ntawm kev sib tsoo nws nyias.Txawm li cas los xij, nws tsis tuaj yeem ua tsis tau vim yog qhov tseem ceeb xws li kev siv hluav taws xob siab, qhov xav tau los ua kom muaj peev xwm zeb ntau ntxiv, thiab kev sib xyaw tsis sib xws.Vertical mills tau nce ntxiv hauv kev tsim cov tuam txhab cement vim lawv qhov tshwj xeeb zoo xws li qhov chaw me me hauv pem teb, tsis tshua muaj suab nrov, ua haujlwm zoo, muaj zog ua haujlwm, thiab kev sib xyaw ua ke ntawm ziab, sib tsoo, thiab xaiv hmoov.Cov khoom sib tsoo thiab cement sib tsoo.Txoj kev loj hlob ntawm lub zog-txuag kev sib tsoo tshuab rau cov tsis-pob mills xws li cov menyuam presses thiab ntsug mills tau tso cai rau lub granulated moj tej tawg rauv slag rau hauv av nyias mus rau ib tug tshwj xeeb deg cheeb tsam ntawm ?? ntau tshaj 400m2 / kg, uas zoo heev txhim kho cov kev ua ub no. ntawm cov slag thiab tuaj yeem muab sib xyaw rau hauv cov cement los tsim cov qib siab zog, ntau cov slag cement yam tsis muaj kev siv zog ntau dhau;nws tseem tuaj yeem hloov cov cement sib npaug lossis ntau dhau thaum npaj pob zeb thiab txhim kho kev ua tau zoo ntawm pob zeb.Yog li ntawd, kev sib tsoo tshuab hluav taws xob slag hmoov yog suav tias yog txoj hauv kev zoo kom txuag tau lub zog, txhim kho ib puag ncig thiab txhim kho kev ua haujlwm ntawm pob zeb.


1. Technical zoo ntawm ntsug sib tsoo zeb:


Nyob rau hauv qhov tseeb hais tias qhov zoo ntawm slag hmoov ua tau raws li qhov yuav tsum tau ntawm GB / T18046-2000.


(1) Lub zog noj ntawm ntsug sib tsoo slag hmoov tuaj yeem txuag tau ntau dua 50%.


(2) Kev noj ntawm ntsug zeb slag micro-hmoov cov ntaub ntawv hnav-tiv taus yog ntau tshaj 130 npaug qis dua li ntawm lub pob zeb system.


(3) Cov txheej txheem ntsug mills slag micro-hmoov siv cov tshuab ziab thiab sib tsoo tib lub sijhawm, uas txo cov khoom siv thiab kev tsim vaj tsev ntawm lub tshuab ziab khaub ncaws, ua kom yooj yim rau cov txheej txheem, thiab txo cov roj noj.


2. Cov yam ntxwv ntawm ntsug zeb tshuab rau kev tsim slag hmoov:


(1) Cov txheej txheem ntawm kev sib tsoo blast rauv slag siv ntsug zeb tshuab yog yooj yim, siab automated, thiab yooj yim los tswj.


(2) Kev siv cov tshuab ntsug ntsug tshuab rau grind blast furnace slag tau pom tseeb cov txiaj ntsig zoo thiab txuag hluav taws xob, thiab yog ib qho tshiab ntawm cov cuab yeej ntsuab ntsuab uas ua raws li kev tiv thaiv ib puag ncig thoob ntiaj teb.


(3) Siv cov tshuab ntsug ntsug tshuab rau grind blast furnace slag tuaj yeem ua tiav cov khoom ntxhia hmoov nrog rau thaj chaw tshwj xeeb sib txawv kom tau raws li qhov xav tau ntawm cov khoom sib txawv hauv kev ua lag luam.


HLM seriesntsug zeb slag hmoov tshuab  produced by HCM is an ideal equipment for vertical mill slag powder technology. In the production technology of vertical mill slag powder, controlling the specific surface area is the most intuitive means in the production of slag powder, and it has considerable guiding significance. The HLM series vertical mill slag micron powder machine can produce high specific surface area slag micron powder with a particle size of up to 700 specific surface area. HLM vertical mill slag powder particle composition, as a quality control target, can ensure the full play of the activity of slag powder. HLM vertical mill slag micronizer has complete models and numerous customer cases. If you have relevant needs, please leave us a message to learn more about the

Post lub sij hawm: Nov-16-2023