xinwen ua

Xov xwm

Yuav ua li cas Manganese hmoov Refined rau hauv Electrolytic Manganese?Daim Ntawv Thov Ntawm Manganese Hmoov Raymond zeb Hauv Electrolytic Manganese Ntau Lawm

Manganese ore excavated los ntawm mine yog av rau hauv hmoov los ntawm kev siv manganese hmoov Raymond zeb, uas yog hu ua manganese hmoov.Cov hlau manganese tau los ntawm electrolysis tom qab cov hmoov manganese raug kho nrog sulfuric acid thiab lwm yam khoom siv tshuaj hu ua "electrolytic manganese".Tom qab ntawd, yuav ua li cas manganese hmoov yuav refined rau hauv electrolytic manganese?HCMilling (Guilin Hongcheng), ua cov chaw tsim khoom ntawmmanganese hmoov Raymond zeb, yuav qhia txog daim ntawv thov ntawm manganese hmoov Raymond zeb hauv cov txheej txheem ntawm electrolytic manganese.

manganese hmoov Raymond zeb

Yuav ua li cas manganese hmoov yuav refined rau hauv electrolytic manganese?Tam sim no, kev tsim cov hlau electrolytic manganese hauv Suav teb feem ntau yog 99.7% ntawm cov khoom lag luam (feem ntau cov tuam txhab tau mus txog 99.8% lossis ntau dua), thiab tsuas yog ob peb lub tuam txhab tsim 99.9% ntawm cov khoom (vim kev lag luam xav tau 99.9% ntawm cov khoom me me, Txawm li cas los xij, ntau lub tuam txhab thov kom tsim tau 99.9% ntawm cov khoom thaum ua daim ntawv qhia txog kev ua tau zoo).Cov khoom siv tseem ceeb - manganese ore yog manganese oxide ore thiab manganese carbonate ore.Cov txheej txheem ntawm electrolytic ntau lawm yog qhov zoo ib yam, tshwj tsis yog tias cov txheej txheem npaj ua kua hauv cov txheej txheem dhau los no txawv.Kev tsim cov txheej txheem ntawm electrolytic manganese: ib qho yog siv cov manganese carbonate ore ua raw khoom, thiab ncaj qha siv sulfuric acid thiab manganese carbonate los ua cov tshuaj manganese sulfate;Lwm qhov yog txheej txheem ntawm kev tsim electrolytic manganese los ntawm manganese dioxide.Tam sim no, manganese carbonate ore yog dav siv los ua raw khoom los tsim electrolytic manganese.Electrolytic manganese hlau yog cov khoom siv hydrometallurgical ntawm manganese, uas siv cov txheej txheem tsim khoom ntawm "leaching purification electrolysis".Cov txheej txheem ntawm electrolytic manganese yog tsuas yog siv manganese carbonate hmoov thiab inorganic acid los ua kom cov tshuaj manganese ntsev, ntxiv ammonium ntsev raws li tsis, ntxiv oxidant rau oxidize thiab neutralize hlau, ntxiv sulfide kom tshem tawm cov hlau hnyav, thiab tau txais cov ntshiab manganese sulfate. daws los ntawm "sedimentation - pom - tob purification - pom".Tom qab ntxiv cov additives, nws nkag mus rau hauv electrolytic cell li electrolyte rau hluav taws xob daws cov hlau yooj yim, thiab tsim cov hlau manganese.


Daim ntawv thov ntawmmanganese hmoov Raymond zeb Hauv kev tsim cov txheej txheem ntawm electrolytic manganese feem ntau yog siv los ua cov khoom siv ntawm raw manganese carbonate hmoov.Cov qauv ua tiav ntawm manganese hmoov Raymond zeb yog tsim los ntawm tus tswv tsev, tshuaj ntsuam xyuas (hmoov concentrator), cov khoom siv kav dej, lub tshuab ua kom tiav, lub puab tsaig crusher, lub puab tsaig crusher, thoob of elevator, electromagnetic vibration feeder, hluav taws xob tswj lub cev muaj zog, thiab lwm yam. hmoov Raymond zeb yog tsim los ntawm ib lub thav duab, ib qho cua inlet volute, ib rab riam, sib tsoo cov menyuam, lub nplhaib sib tsoo, vaj tse thiab lub cev muaj zog.Tom qab Raymond zeb crushes cov ntaub ntawv raw mus rau qhov yuav tsum tau pub loj, lub thoob of elevator conveys cov ntaub ntawv mus rau hauv cia rau hauv, thiab ces lub electromagnetic feeder xa cov ntaub ntawv mus rau lub sib tsoo chamber ntawm tus tswv tshuab.Cov ntaub ntawv nkag mus rau hauv kev sib tsoo chamber yog hauv av nruab nrab ntawm cov menyuam sib tsoo thiab lub nplhaib sib tsoo.Cov hmoov av yog nqa mus rau qhov ntsuas ntsuas ntsuas los ntawm huab cua ntws ntawm tus kiv cua.Cov hmoov zoo uas ua tau raws li qhov yuav tsum tau ua kom zoo raug xa mus rau lub tshuab cua daj cua dub loj los ntawm cov cua ntws cov yeeb nkab rau kev sib cais thiab sib sau, Cov khoom tiav yog tawm los ntawm cov khoom tawm.


Covmanganese hmoov Raymond zeb tsim los ntawm HCMilling (Guilin Hongcheng) suav nrog HC1700, HC1900, HC2000 thiab lwm yam qauv.Piv nrog rau cov tsoos 5R Raymond zeb, cov zis yog li ntawm 2.5 mus rau 4 npaug ntau dua, txo qis kev siv zog.HC3000 tam sim no yog lub ntiaj teb loj loj Raymond zeb rau manganese hmoov, uas tuaj yeem ua tau raws li qhov xav tau ntawm kev nthuav dav kev lag luam nplai thiab txhim kho cov cuab yeej siv tau zoo.Nws cov thev naus laus zis yog nyob rau theem siab hauv tsev, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tsim rau kev ua cov hmoov loj xws li fais fab nroj tsuag desulfurization, manganese kev lag luam, thee hmoov, thiab lwm yam. Yog tias koj muaj cov kev xav tau, thov hu rau cov ntsiab lus thiab muab cov ntaub ntawv ua raws li peb:

Raw khoom npe

Cov khoom zoo (mesh / μm)

muaj peev xwm (t / h)

Post lub sij hawm: Nov-02-2022